
As the name depicts, KontriMan Journal is a platform that focuses on the Nigerian people, their hopes, aspirations, struggles, and issues that affect them directly or indirectly. The purpose of this Journal is to create a virile Nigerian online community where issues that affect us as Nigerians are brought to the fore in a witty, humorous, interesting and dynamic way.

The Journal would be a platform to chronicle issues bothering on the lives of everyday Nigerians on the street, in the workplace and in every other common place. People would also be able to make comments, give their opinions and even raise issues on things affecting or bothering them.

With the rising population of people who have access to the internet in Nigeria today, it is imperative for discerning minds to harness the potentials inherent on the world wide web to  create a platform that can bring together people for the purpose of informing, educating and stimulating them to respond to issues that are prevailing in our society today.

This Journal is a means to an end, a medium. Thus, for it to be successful, it must have an established goal and agenda, and a well-laid-out plan of action. To this end, our goal is to get our audience involved and responding to issues that are central and critical to individual and communal development. (All correspondence, experiences, stories, comments or complaints can be sent to

Following from this position, our plan of action is simple, bring to the fore relevant issues and also encourage our users or subscribers to also bring to the fore relevant issues and allow our people to make up their minds on the best way to address those issues while proffering our own advice.

It has been said that all wok and no play makes jack a dull boy, and so the Journal would also have fun and hilarious content and features to bring a bubbly and up-beat tempo to the Journal.
