
1 Jan 2013


January 1, 2013
Happy New Year to you all!
KontriMan Journal is a platform that focuses on the Nigerian people, their hopes, aspirations, struggles, and issues that affect them directly or indirectly. The purpose of this Journal is to create a virile Nigerian online community where issues that affect us as Nigerians are brought to the fore in a witty, humorous, interesting and dynamic way.
This is to formally announce the launching of the KontriMan Journal blog. The blog articles are divided into thirty-one segments which would run daily, weekly and bimonthly.
The Daily Articles are as follows:
1.  NEWS - This would include various news making the waves.
-Headliners - The headlines of all the newspapers in Nigeria.
-Thought of the Day - This is a write up that seeks to set the pace of the day, by raising critical issues that should elicit discussions and responses from our audience.
-Breaking News- Detailed account of Fresh news as it unfolds
-News Updates & Follow-Ups - This segment is for news that is continuous and needs updates.
       2. KONTRIMAN TORI - Peoples’ experiences and stories; they would be expected to send in their real stories and we would publish it.
      3. ASK KONTRIMAN - In this segment you can ask our Kontriman team anything they consider important.
       4. KONTRIMAN ITK (I Too Know) - This includes sub-segments such as DO YOU KNOW which gives facts on various issues; TIPS AND TRICK which gives helpful information about various issues.
       5. KONTRIMAN AMEBO - Notice Board and Events
       6. KONTRIMAN PR - Publicity and Reviews.
        7. KONTRIMAN JOKES AND GRAFFITITI KORNER - Jokes, Cartoons and Graffiti that depicts humor and give everyone a laugh.
The weekly Articles are as follows:
         8. WHAT IF? – Retrospective Questions about Nigeria that makes you wonder.
         9. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? – Though provoking questions that get people thinking.
        10. ONLY IN… - Issues that arise in specific environments in Nigeria.
     11. CULTURAL EXCHANGE – This is an exchange of culture among the various Nigerian cultures.
        12. KONTRIMAN GOES TO… - KontriMan would be going to all parts of Africa. Facts, Sights and Sounds of Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

The Bimonthly Articles are as follows. Note that all except two of the bimonthly segments are under the KontriMan Lifestyle segment. So that you can easily know which article belongs under the KontriMan Lifestyle we would use the KL symbol:
        13. KL-KONTRIMAN TECH- Technology and Gadgets
        14. KL- KONTRIMAN LITERARY- Books and all things literary related
      15. KONTRIMAN POLLS- Poll questions plus result of the polls after it ends. These results would provide statistics and a summation of the position of the polls.
       16. KL- KONTRIMAN MONI- Money and Finances and helpful tips
       17. KL- KONTRIMAN POLITICS- All about politics in Nigeria and the world at large
       18. KL-KONTRIMAN WORK- Career
       19. KL- KONTRIMAN PADI- Relationships with family, friends and loved ones
      20. KL- KONTRIMAN ACADA- Education
      21. KL- KONTRIMAN ENTERTAINMENT- Music and Cinema
     22. KL- KONTRIMAN LAW & ORDER- Learn about the law and legal issues in the layman language.
     23.  KL- KONTRIMAN SPORTS- All sports
     24. KONTRIMAN DIASPORA- News and Information on Nigerians and Africans in the Diaspora.
     25. KL- KONTRIMAN FASHION & LIFESTYLE – Fashion and Lifestyle
     26. KL- KONTRIMAN FOODIE- Recipes and various foods
     27. KL- KONTRIMAN BODI-Health, Nutrition and Fitness
     28. KL- KONTRIMAN JOLI- Hospitality, Holiday and Travel
There are other segments, but those can run at any time the KontriMan Journal team desires.
   29. KONTRIMAN LINGUAL – This involves KontriMan coming up with KontriMan’s own lingual for our blog and brand. An example of such lingual is KontriPipu which is a name for our fans and followers.
    30. KONTRIMAN INTERACTIVE – Forum and Debates
   31. KONTRIMAN SPEAKS – This is not an official segment on the KontriMan Journal blog. It involves KontriMan going to other platforms and forums to register and contribute to issues.

Now that you have familiarized ourselves with the various segments. I would like to also tell you about the various platforms and social networking sites we are on and how you can connect with us.
We are on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. In the future we hope to join more sites to be able to get to a wider range of readers and we would be sure to inform you when that happens.
Our Facebook page is our main connection page. It is our brand projector and a platform by which we reach our audience on Facebook. Via this page we give our audience information and get feedbacks about our brand. We encourage our audience and followers to like this page on Facebook so that they can be kept up to date on current affairs.
Our Facebook group is our community on Facebook. It is meant to initiate discussions and debates or continue discussions initiated on the blog. We encourage our Facebook friends to join this page as it provides a more direct way to reach them.
Our Facebook person is the personality behind KontriMan Journal on Facebook. We have friends and audience and can communicate as a person to our friends on Facebook.
Our twitter page is a means to relate with our audience on that platform. We can easily reach out to our audience with brief messages and engage other personalities on issues.
Our Google Plus profile is a Google version of the Facebook person. It would work as on Facebook.
Our Google Plus Page is the Google version of the Facebook Page. It is to project our brand.
Our Google Plus Community like the others is just like our Facebook group. It is an extension of the platform (the KontriMan Journal blog) for discussions, interactions and debates.
The advantage of the Google platform is to further help with Google blogs. It is a new and fast growing social media that can accommodate audiences that are no more interested in being served by Facebook.
Finally we encourage our readers and audiences alike to keep visiting the blog, and to encourage their friend to visit the blog also. Like the articles, place comments and share on various platform.
The KontriMan Journal team promises that this would be a spectacular year on KontriMan Journal and wishes everyone a prosperous New Year ahead.

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